Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Great Dane Videos And Photos


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Funny Doggy Bloopers

Friday, November 9, 2007

Doberman Photos and Videos



The Doberman

Doberman Puppies


Monday, November 5, 2007

Puppies Care

The most important issue in the process of raising a dog is care for the puppy

One of my bad experiences my self , Once my dog delivered 10 puppies .. A very good number,
only one lived
that was the first time I had a delivery of puppies at my place

believe me it feels so bad to have 9 of 10 puppies dead
to provide that , I have some advices for you if you are expecting puppies arriving in the few coming days

- Try to take your dog to a Veterinary Hospital
- If you can't or it is too late , do not approach the dog and make her comfortable , specially the days after delivery (1 or 2 days)
-Try to keep newborns warm and clean
- Food : use dry food that is made for puppies
- Vaccination (Shots) :

- Distemper Combination
- Leptospirosis
- Rabies
- Lyme disease
- Bordetella
- Worms

* 6 to 7 weeks of age: Give first combination vaccine. (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza, Coronavirus)
9 weeks of age: Give second combination vaccine.
12 weeks of age: Give the third combination injection and possibly a LYME Vaccine inoculation. Generally a LYME vaccine is then repeated two weeks later, then once a year.
16 weeks of age: Give the last combination vaccine.
12 to 16 weeks of age: Rabies vaccine is given. (Local and State laws apply regarding Rabies vaccine since this can be a human disease, too. Your veterinarian will tell you the proper time intervals for booster vaccines for Rabies.)
Special considerations: Many veterinarians believe some breeds such as Rottweilers and Dobermans should have at least two Parvo vaccines with the last one being given at 20 weeks of age.

- Try to train them as soon as possible

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How to know that your dog is pregnant

First , If you saw your dog mating , this is easy ... count 62 to 64
days and expect the delivery at that time

If you didn't , It couldn't be noticed for about 6 weeks after then you can detect :
1- Swelling of the mammary glands
2- X- ray or Better Ultra-sound taken at the veterinarian will confirm pregnancy
3- The dog may move in circles searching for a place to give birth in.
4- Anxiety
5-Decreased appetite
6-A decrease in the dog body temp. may occur just before delivery
7-Your dog may wobble during walking
8-Tendency to sleep and stay in certain areas
9-Stomach enlargment
10-Putting your hands over the abdomen may let you feel the puppies moving

Friday, October 26, 2007

Rottweiler Photos And Videos

Rottweiler and baby the real side of Rottweilers friendlines

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

German Shepherd photos and videos

Friday, October 19, 2007

Introduction to this blog

First of all, I would like to admit my love to dogs since I was a kid..
I first liked German shepherd then Rottweiler, Great dane, Doberman..
The first dog I had was German shepherd

In this blog I will try to put posts about dogs characters, how to raise them and photos of different pure progenies

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