
How to raise dogs , dog care , health and useful articles for dog owners with photos of different pure progenies and images of dogs.
The most important issue in the process of raising a dog is care for the puppy
One of my bad experiences my self , Once my dog delivered 10 puppies .. A very good number,
only one lived
that was the first time I had a delivery of puppies at my place
believe me it feels so bad to have 9 of 10 puppies dead
to provide that , I have some advices for you if you are expecting puppies arriving in the few coming days
- Try to take your dog to a Veterinary Hospital
- If you can't or it is too late , do not approach the dog and make her comfortable , specially the days after delivery (1 or 2 days)
-Try to keep newborns warm and clean
- Food : use dry food that is made for puppies
- Vaccination (Shots) :
Posted by
Abdelrahman Ellithy
12:16 PM
First , If you saw your dog mating , this is easy ... count 62 to 64
days and expect the delivery at that time
If you didn't , It couldn't be noticed for about 6 weeks after then you can detect :
1- Swelling of the mammary glands
2- X- ray or Better Ultra-sound taken at the veterinarian will confirm pregnancy
3- The dog may move in circles searching for a place to give birth in.
4- Anxiety
5-Decreased appetite
6-A decrease in the dog body temp. may occur just before delivery
7-Your dog may wobble during walking
8-Tendency to sleep and stay in certain areas
9-Stomach enlargment
10-Putting your hands over the abdomen may let you feel the puppies moving
Posted by
Abdelrahman Ellithy
11:32 AM
Labels: Pregnant Dogs
First of all, I would like to admit my love to dogs since I was a kid..
I first liked German shepherd then Rottweiler, Great dane, Doberman..
The first dog I had was German shepherd
In this blog I will try to put posts about dogs characters, how to raise them and photos of different pure progenies
Posted by
Abdelrahman Ellithy
10:10 AM